Making time to improve yourself
Who isn’t busy these days? It often seems like there are so few hours in a day for us to accomplish everything that we need to. Just think of all the hours we spend at work, the time we spend getting to the office and traveling back home, and the precious few hours of each day we have for our family. Given everything that’s going on in our lives, who actually has time to make room for anything else?
That’s something that so many people often say about themselves, and that often serves as an excuse for why they didn’t get started on a personal project, why they didn’t get to exercise that day, or why they aren’t pursuing other activities that will improve their lives, boost their careers, and teach them new skills. But if you find yourself blaming your busy, hectic life all the time for your inability to work on improving your life, you might want to step back first and take a good hard look at yourself and your schedule.
First of all, you have to consider whether or not you’re really as busy as you seem. Of course you have work, other hobbies, and your responsibility to yourself and your family. But there are inevitably some quiet spaces between each activity. What do you do during those moments? Do you sit back, relax, and do nothing? Do you spend them online? Are there any other things you do which are unnecessary and are done simply for you to kill time?
Second, you have to remember that every minute counts when you’re trying to learn a new skill or update your knowledge. If you’re really pressed for time, you don’t need to spend long hours studying and practicing. Block off at least a half-hour each day, and spend that half-hour on yourself, without any distractions. It might help for you to learn to give up some non-essential activities to make room for learning–sure, spending hours on Facebook or playing games is fun, but they don’t contribute to your improvement. You’ll find that giving up some activities is a small price to pay for long-term self-improvement.
The important thing is for you to really commit to your intention to improve yourself. No one will do it for you, and no one will rearrange your schedule to allow you to work on your self-improvement efforts. It all starts with you, and once you’ve learned to prioritize yourself and on becoming better, to commit to your goal, and then really make time for it, you’ve already taken a very big step towards self-improvement.