It All Started with a Dream

Everyone has a dream in his life which they want to achieve when they grow up. dreams are essential as, without them, we will not have the motivation to move forward in life. when we were a child, some of us aspire to become a doctor, some teacher, or an engineer. however, to achieve these dreams, one has to work hard, our goals provide us the strength to face obstacles and motivate us towards achievement.
I believe that every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. each every one of us have our own story on our journey to achieve the title “certified management accountant.” as an ambitious young little girl, i’ve been longing to become a successful cpa. and as a result, i enrolled as a bs-accountancy student at university of santo tomas. being a bs-accountancy student is simply no joke. i devoted almost all my life in the Library just to pass the qualifying exams to be able to major in bs-accountancy. fortunately, with the blessing & guidance from god, i was able to hurdle the qualifying exams and my dream to become a successful cpa is on the right track.
I was every excited as my journey to become a successful cpa is becoming nearer to reality. i studied very hard because i really wanted to achieve my ambition to become a cpa. unfortunately, the joy & eagerness to fulfill such ambition of mine was put to the sideline because oof the covid-19 pandemic. the schedule of the cpale was postponed several times. that’s the reason why i was so upset during those times. i don’t know what to do during those times. but god is really good to me. in one occasion, i met one of my college friend and we had a friendly question & answer about what had happened to our ambitions. it was during that conversation with my friend that i’ve learned about cma. she suggested to me why not take the cma while i’m waiting for the resumption of the cpale.
After college, i really wanted to study further for the progression of my career. i had few option in mind but i decided to get the CMA certification since this is the one that will greatly contribute to my interest in the field of accounting. my problem then was i didn’t know where to apply and review for the exam. luckily, i discovered insights during our review last year in RESA. that’s the reason why me and my friends decided to enroll and take the CMA exam. when i decided to go for the CMA exam, i knew it going to be my daily habits and weekend schedule to review and attend for review classes. sometimes, i even had to miss going out with family and friends. i thought these were just small sacrifices that must be made to have bigger returns in the future. there were multiple times that i felt frustrated because i wasn’t able to follow my review schedule, but i decided that there’s no use worrying over it and just remained positive and made the best of the time left.
Thankfully, after several months of studying, i passed the two-part exam and now i can proudly say that i am now a certified management account (CMA). with the help of the review sessions provided to us by insights and WILEY study materials, i was able to achieve my goals and become a CMA.
I am really thankful to insights financial review services for providing what i needed to be successful in my exam, and to sir angel for his untiring support & continuous guidance on my CMA journey. to all who are aspiring to become a certified management accountant (CMA), learn how to be optimistic and learn that if you want for something, then should pursue for it.
My father was always been saying to me that believing in yourself is one of the first step to success because if you don’t have confidence in yourself, it will difficult to succeed in anything. self-belief is the point at which everything begins and without it, it is difficult to succeed. we should always think positive because negative thoughts kills your opportunities. it is important to trust yourself and pray to god so that he will guide you in every path that you will take. i always believe that “if you can dream it, then you can achieve it.” just enjoy things and have confidence always. everything is possible as long as you believe and have the determination in fulfilling your dreams. just keep the faith and we should always do our very best & god will do the rest of us.