“Believe you can and you will.”

After almost four agonizing years, the long wait is finally over for completing the CMA program.
A couple of months before I graduated, I decided to give the CMA certification course a try after learning about it from my seniors and friends. Given the widespread recognition of this credential within and outside of the Philippines, I thought the CMA presents a wide range of opportunities.
After graduating in March 2019, I flew to Manila to review at Insights Financial Review Services for at least six months. Yes, that was how committed I was to passing the tough examination. It was difficult because it was my first time living away from my parents. I struggled during the review for various reasons, including the lessons, homesickness, and emotional breakdowns due to receiving low scores on the comprehensive and mock exams.
Despite my best efforts, I failed in both parts on my first try. Although disappointing, it was anticipated. Though I know I am capable; it’s just that I did not perform well.
With my parents’ support, I decided to continue what I started. I consulted with Insights and made the decision to sit for the Part 2 exam in January-February 2020 testing window and the Part 1 exam in May-June 2020 window. I returned to Manila and spent a month and a half reviewing for Part 2, making the most of every day to study hard. While waiting for the result, I returned to my hometown to self-review for Part 1, and then the COVID-19 pandemic struck. I did pass the Part 2 exam! However, due to financial difficulties and travel restrictions, I opted to work and reassessed my goal for taking the remaining exam Part. I enjoyed working and felt content at moments when I considered dropping out of the program. But I begged for a sign because I was still debating whether I should continue or not.
One day, I received the sign I was hoping for. My friend, who was also my companion during the review at Insights, asked whether I wanted to continue the remaining part. We contacted Insights, and they assisted us in processing what we needed to continue with the program. Since the three-year period then was coming to an end, I did write IMA a letter stating my intention to continue the program and requesting that my Part 2 exam be reinstated for credit. And as if it were for me, the ICMA responded, giving me until September/October 2023 to pass the Part 1 exam.
It was a risky decision, and I struggled getting used to it since I felt I was starting over. Managing my schedule between working, sleeping, and studying was difficult. I occassionally placed more importance on sleeping than studying when I got home late from work. I wanted to finish things off, so I took the chance of taking the exam in May/June 2023 window. That rushed decision did result in another exam failure. This time around, I felt like I failed so much that I was depressed and thought maybe this CMA title wasn’t for me after all. It had taken a financial and physical toll on me.
Since childhood, I have always had big dreams, I do not give up easily, and most importantly, I take risks. I did pay for another exam fee and restudied for the September/October 2023 window. At that moment, I distinctly recall saying, “This will be the last time that I step on this place because I believe that this time I will pass.” Although it was a bold thing to say, it gave me the confidence I needed to finish the exam and leave the Prometic Testing Centre in Makati smiling.
The remaining months of 2023 were filled with both excitement and nervousness. Waiting for the result for over a month and a half gave me relief since I FINALLY PASSED! At last, my efforts have paid off. I just thought then that it was all over.
As I was processing the requirements for the CMA certification, I noticed in my IMA account that my Part 2 exam was not credited. I then went back to the email that I received from the ICMA and realized that I had misunderstood something. I was so desperate that I sent another email to them requesting the reinstatement of my Part 2 exam because I knew I had worked hard for it and believed that I had met the requirements.
I waited for a response for two weeks, but I never got one, which worried me. I was about to give up and started pulling out my notes for Part 2 since I was prepared to retake the exam, but the Lord is so kind that He heard my prayers. IMA Communication sent me an email informing me that my requirements are satisfied and that my certificate is on its way. I was crying and yelling because I had finally earned my CMA title.
For those whose goals have been put on hold due to the pandemic, financial difficulties, or other issues. Please never give up, keep having great dreams, and step beyond your comfort zone. Although the journey may be difficult, the benefits will be great. We may face many obstacles and come to many realizations along the way, but that path will shape who we are today.
I would like to thank Insights Financial Review Services, especially Sir Angel Secerio, for the guidance and never-ending support and for answering all my queries. To my family, Ma, Pa, I hope I made you proud. To my friends and colleagues who are always cheering for me, and to the Almighty High, who always makes the impossible possible.
About the Author:
Danielle P. Pedrajas is a Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology graduate at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University. She currently works at the AFPSLAI office in Zamboanga City.