Message from C.E.O

Before anything else, I personally would like to thank you for visiting our website.
You must have some questions to ask that is why you have come to this page. It is also safe to assume that you are one of the few accounting or finance professionals who greatly value career and professional enhancement, and believe that investing in oneself is the wisest investment that you will ever make in your lifetime.
As I describe you, I was actually describing myself. Like you, I am a strong believer of those principles. When I first obtained my professional certification as a Philippine CPA way back in late 80s, I thought then that it was enough. While I tried to keep abreast of latest accounting pronouncements I realized there is a far better and effective way of doing it. At the age of 45, I decided and started pursuing professional certifications that demonstrate my competence in the field of accounting.
In the modern world, certification has become essential to professional accountants because of the worldwide recognition of the CPA title. Accountants who are certified enjoy enviable recognition among peers in the workplace and around the community for attaining the professional designation.
Certifications among accountants have now evolved to include fields of specializations in management accounting (Certified Management Accountant), IT/Systems auditing (Certified Information Systems Auditor), internal audit (Certified Internal Auditor), and fraud and forensic accounting (Certified Fraud Examiner), among others. Accounting students and recent graduates today look ahead and plan to obtain these multiple certifications to broaden their career opportunities.
Strive to become globally competitive while you’re still young. If you’re a late bloomer like me, all is not lost because you can still prove your worth as an active member in the workplace if you demonstrate your willingness to acquire new skills, despite your age.
Avoid being classified as “redundant”. Keep away from being included in the hit list by knocking off those certificates, one after the other.
Good luck!